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Cancer Facts and Figures 2025 garners extensive media coverage

​The American Cancer Society released our highly anticipated 2025 Cancer Facts and Figures on Thursday, Jan. 16. Within minutes of its release, the report garnered news coverage from various media outlets, including Good Morning America.

Highlights include:

Good Morning America: Dr. Bill Dahut, ACS chief scientific officer, also appeared on Good Morning America in an exclusive interview, pictured above, to discuss the report’s findings.
Cancer diagnoses rising faster in women, especially those under 50: Report​

NBC News: Cancer cases are increasing in women while declining in men, report finds. Rates of breast and thyroid cancer for women under 50 rose from 2002 to 2021, while men in the same age group had declining rates of melanoma and prostate cancer.

Report: Cancer risk for women under 65 higher than men in same age group

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