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ACS CAN supports legislation to make permanent ACA enhanced tax credits

Move enables millions to purchase comprehensive health insurance coverage, critical to prevent, detect, treat and survive cancer​.

On Sept. 25, U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (NH) and Tammy Baldwin (WI) plan to introduce a bill, the Health Care Affordability Act of 2024, that would make permanent the Affordable Care Act (ACA) enhanced tax credits that help make health insurance coverage affordable for an estimated 20 million people. Co-sponsored by 45 Senators, this bill, related to Representative Lauren Underwood’s (IL) Health Care Affordability Act of 2023 (H.R. 1692), will help ensure individuals who rely on enhanced tax credits to purchase marketplace plans continue to have affordable options for health insurance coverage. The ACA enhanced tax credits allow more people to purchase comprehensive health insurance coverage, critical to prevent, detect, treat and survive cancer, contributing to historic enrollment in Marketplace plans after they took effect and helping to reduce the uninsured rate since enactment of the enhanced ACA tax credits. With health insurance status being one of the most significant determining factors in surviving a cancer diagnosis, this bill will save lives. 

The following is a statement from American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) President Lisa Lacasse. 

“ACS CAN is pleased to see the introduction in the U.S. Senate of the Health Care Affordability Act of 2024, which would make the ACA enhanced tax credits permanent. Having access to affordable health insurance coverage is a key determinant for surviving cancer. Research shows that uninsured Americans are less likely to get screened for cancer and thus more likely to have their cancer diagnosed at an advanced stage when survival is less likely and the cost of care more expensive. ACS CAN has long advocated for public policies, like making permanent the ACA’s enhanced tax credits, that make comprehensive health insurance more affordable for people to get the coverage they need. 

“This permanent extension of the ACA enhanced tax credits also has widespread support among potential voters, with a recent national ACS CAN poll finding 78% of voters support making permanent the ACA enhanced tax credits. The policy proposal has the support of the majority of Republican, Independent and Democrat respondents. 

“Making the ACA enhanced tax credits for Marketplace plans permanent will ensure continued relief for the millions of people in America who have seen their monthly premiums significantly decline and for those who are unable to afford private insurance without these enhanced tax credits. If these enhanced tax credits sunset, patients who are undergoing treatment or survivorship care may face skyrocketing premiums and may be unable to afford their coverage any longer – a reality that could be life-threatening. ACS CAN urges Congress to pass this bill swiftly.”

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