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HPV Roundtable Emerging Leaders program applications are open

Build your leadership portfolio with the National HPV Vaccination Roundtable.  

The American Cancer Society National HPV Vaccination Roundtable has launched its 2025 Emerging Leaders Program search with newly opened candidate program applications. As this year will be only the second ever cohort of emerging leaders for ACS HPV Vaccination Roundtable, the program is eager to invite another group of early career professionals who are interested in enhancing their leadership skills within HPV vaccination efforts. 

As an opportunity to enlarge your network nationally, engage in new learning possibilities, and shape the future of HPV vaccination best practices and outreach, program participants can expect to connect with national HPV vaccination and public health leaders and enhance their skills, tools, and habits to amplify leadership qualities through the one-year program.   

To further capitalize on learning opportunities, program participants will be offered paid travel to the 2025 ACS HPV Roundtable National Meeting. Fellows represent a diverse group of partners both internal and external to ACS. Employees who engage in HPV vaccination and cancer prevention efforts substantially in their role are encouraged to apply. Applicants should be within a 5- to 10-year period after completion of their last degree or 5 to 10 years since transitioning to the immunization and cancer prevention field.

Applications must be submitted by July 31. Click here to apply. Learn more by checking out the flyer attached below, visiting the website, and watching the 2023 Emerging Leaders Showcase Webinar recording. Any questions may be directed to

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