Eight recordings include State of the Society and Volunteer Leadership Award presentations.
Most general sessions from the Volunteer Leadership Summit in January have been packaged for playback and are accessible on My Society Source for both ACS team members and leadership volunteers to view. The Volunteer Leadership Summit is an opportunity to bring together and help empower our Area Board leaders and other key volunteers to amplify our mission and revenue priorities in their local communities and beyond. Check out any of the following for a glimpse into this impactful annual event:
Welcome, Brian Marlow
- Brian Marlow, chair of the Board of Directors of the American Cancer Society, welcomes volunteer leaders, illustrating the purpose of the annual Volunteer Leadership Summit
Welcome, Dr. Kimberly Jeffries Leonard
- Dr. Kimberly Jeffries Leonard, chair of the Board of Directors of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, welcomes volunteer leaders, emphasizing the importance of their commitment to the organization’s mission
Volunteer Leadership Award, Dr. Paul Schroy
- Dr. Paul Schroy, who has served as a part of the Colorectal Cancer Roundtable since its inception, accepts the national Volunteer Leadership Award
Volunteer Leadership Award, Scott Rollin
- Scott Rollin, who has been a vocal champion for engaging volunteers in meaningful and strategic work at ACS for more than 20 years, accepts the national Volunteer Leadership Award
CEO State of the Society
- CEO Dr. Karen Knudsen shares a detailed look at ACS priorities and activations with volunteer leadership, pictured above
Remembering Jim Bond
- Michael L. Neal, chief of organizational advancement, and Stacy McGrath, co-chair of the Pan Ohio Hope Ride, acknowledge the decades long commitment of the late Jim Bond and his wife Kathleen
Cancer Facts & Figures
- Kimberly Jackson, executive vice president – Southeast Region, and Dr. Bill Dahut, chief scientific officer, discuss the release of the 2024 Cancer Facts & Figures, emphasizing the importance of the annual publication
Dr. Adrian Tyndall on Health Equity
- Dr. Joseph “Adrian” Tyndall, executive vice president of Health Affairs, professor and dean at Morehouse School of Medicine, expands on the importance of health equity, health justice, and what we are trying to achieve